Sunday 17 February 2013

Moving Blog

So due to having our wedding website (which we've had for ages) I've decided to move our family Blog. Mainly due to the fact our website has a free blog with a different (drag and drop) interface than Google (that remains to be seen I guess as I get used to it!) and it keeps all my online/website type stuff in one place!

Here it is....
or click here

I'll be endeavouring to move these few old blog posts over but I'm not sure if that will ever happen! Anyway, let's see how it goes!! xx

Wednesday 13 February 2013


Of the motor vehicle variety...
Something to 'gum'
Costa NEED a healthier range of snacks for sure!!
So here we are, in Costa on the M4 at Chievely Services. How did you get there?! I here you cry! (Yes I hear voices). Well let me tell you, dear readers, all about our journey to and from Mia's 'homeland' (yes it needs inverted commas; she's ENGLISH) of Wales. 

First Tooth; Mia

Mia's Gnashers #1

So when you were 3 months old, it seemed you were teething like a good'un. Two little spikes had popped through the front of your gums and you were our little vampire. But alas the Health Visitor whom I saw when getting you weighed explained that they were 'calcium spots' and would go away. Also making it clear that they were not teeth. Who knew... she was right! The calcium spots disappeared; although this process must have taken at least two months.

Here we are now though, and your first proper tooth is 'cutting'. Your two bottom teeth are coming through. You can't quite see them yet, but you can definitely feel the tooth that has broken through first! Well done little Mia-cat, it's been a rough ride. The teething pain has been strong it seems. Just before we noticed your first tooth, we had spent a couple of nights giving you Nurofen before bed as you were so upset with the pain in your gums. Well the fruits of your labour are now evident! Alas there is more to go. Keep it up little one!


At the day of posting this, one of your bottom middle teeth is clearly visible and you're using it to great effect on your food! xx

Sunday 10 February 2013

In a Nutshell

Dudes and dudettes. It is just past midnight on Sunday evening and I, unfortunately, have run out of energy. Therefore, amigos, I am merely putting a selection of images for your delectation to sum up my week. I could write loads as I always can, but not this evening. You may make your own stories to explain the random images. :) 

Sunday 27 January 2013

In a Nutshell

Monday 21st Jan
So now I am able to mention the dairy free cake balls (amaze balls) that I made for Vikki on Sunday evening!!! Yep. Super smug. Especially having tried to buy dairy free margarine at the Co-op only to find all their marg is dairy full. Pah. So I nearly, nearly gave up. But then decided to laugh in the face of cow induced adversity and talk to my friend Mr Google. Turns out he had some super cool ideas to combat buttery no go areas of baking. The one which I went with was substituting butter for apple puree and vegetable oil. Done.